Project EnglishÂ
This is My Frist English Project In IDN and this about Short Conversation with my Friend
This Is My Frist Tutorial and i make with scratch and i make game Catching Fruit in this Tutorial.
This is My Frist short movie with my team thare is 4 people.and this short movie about bully.
This is My Frist News caster about weather in dayeuh with 4 people again and this is my frist time doing reporter.
This my Frist Tutorial in platfrom Buildbox and i make game jummping cube.This so eazy to make it
I Story telling about Rasullullah Companion.and minimal duration the vidio is five Minute.but in this vidio i just Show My face not the Slide.
In This Vidio Cooking Tutorial I Give You How to Make The Most delicious Meat ball
My podcast with My freind Is faqih.our podcast about interest .this is a privat conversation.
this vidio i make the duration is 7 minutes and the topic is Hijrah To Madinah
This podcast i make or doing with my freid taht is aljabar and about our project in IDN
this vidio i make the duration is 10 minutes and the topic is Short Movie
I Make my frist skl in 8 grade samester 2 is IT Tutorial 9 minutes