
Project Diniyah 

7 Grade

Poster Hadist

This is my frist Poster About How Important an mother

Poster Adab

My Poster Adab About Defecation Ethics.

Sirah Vidio

This is Sirah vidio about the prophet muhammad.

Tutorial Wudhu

My Tutorial Ablution i Hope You Apply In Our Live

B.Arab Vidio

This my conversation Arab with my Freind 

Hadist Poster 2

My Poster Hadist part 2 about Condemning a food

Motion Graphic

My Motion graphic about fiqih in Even semester.

Rasullullah Companion

My second Vidio Rasullullah companion.

Poster Aqidah

My Poster Aqidah about Tawadhu In even semester

Mindmap Fiqih

This Mindmaping About Prayer procedures

Arabic Conversation

My second Arabic Conversation with Hilmi

8 Grade

Mindmap Fiqih

I make mindmaping fiqih in 8 grade, and the topic is adab-adab di hari jum'at

Poster Adab

in semerter 1 in 8 Grade i make poster adab about pentingnya berbakti kepada orang tua

Hijrah Ke Madinah

Here I tell story About Hijrah To Madinah

Poster Aqidah

I makePoster Aqidah in 8 grade, and the topic is percaya syirik?


I Doing Adzan When dzuhur time

Poster Adab

This poster is abut Poster adab in Pasar


I make Mindmapping in 8 grade, and the Zakat